
Congratulations! You’ve discovered a new hobby, shooting firearms. We know, because this is how we’ve come to build the BROZ GUNS shooting range: out of passion for guns.

We perfectly understand the need to improve your technique, to shoot better, to discover and try new short or long weapons of different brands and sizes. And because we are just like you, we thought what we would like it to contain a subscription to a shooting range.

That’s how I came to this package of benefits and services for a member of the BROZ GUNS club. Enjoy all this with this card, which is more than a fidelity card. Basically, he makes you one of the BROZ.

Advantages of subscription

Discount according to the number of visits and annual sums spent in the polygon:

The annual amount spent :Between 2001 and 4000 leiBetween 4001 and 6000 leiBetween 6001 and 10,000 lei

Priority to reservations;
1 per year rental of gun and line “free of charge” ;
5% discount for 5 guests per year;
5% discount for any purchased product;
2 transactions (free brokerage / purchase) free of charge per year;
Invitation to all events of the polygon;
50 free bullets (for shooting in the range) for each additional member brought;
Free advice on arms transactions;
Broz guns t-shirt “1 of the Broz”.

After paying a 350 RON subscription fee, you’ll receive an email with a membership card form request that must be completed and brought to your next shooting range visit or scanned by email: poligon @